Types of Karma


Types of Karma

Sage Agastya: There are two types of karma.

1.    Good karma.

2.    Bad karma.

Actions that are righteous are good karma. Those against dharma are bad actions, bad karmas.

The deeds that we do remain with us. Which means, the fruit of actions remains attached to the causal body and remains in the outside world along with the soul for some time.

How long it remains is based on hidden desires within the man. Once the required time is completed, it takes rebirth in a family that is conducive to its desires. Why?

When a person is unable to achieve or fulfill his desires, he is given an opportunity to do so in the next life.

The soul is a particle that has emerged from the macrocosm. Because the soul is the microcosm of the macrocosm, it does not wish to adhere to unrighteous actions and seeks to liberate itself from karmic reactions; and desires to return and become one with the macrocosm again.

In the current world, many do not even have the desire to understand this. This is called ignorance or maya (illusion). That is why only a few seek to understand profound questions like, “Who am I? Where did I come from? Why was I born?”

When a baby is born, it is born with innocence. It does not commit any sins when it is born. It starts understanding this world through its senses after birth. It learns how to live in the outside world based on the examples set by parents and surroundings. Once it has gained understanding, even if you place water or fire on its path, and ask it to choose one, it will choose to walk on earth.

While the child is growing up it learns from the example set by its parents and elders. It is only when the child becomes responsible for its own actions does its true nature and desires come to the fore. That is when the child acts based on those intrinsic values.

While growing up, the child is influenced by the actions of its parents and those around it. However, once it matures, the inherent tendencies surface and it behaves the way it wants to. Saying this Sage Agastya sang:

Light Within You

The one that has given birth – mother,

Is the first teacher of man

Teacher, the bestower of knowledge,

Comes next

Higher than all this, is the Sadguru

Yet, above all this

Is the soul, that is always within us

When this soul that is within you

When this soul that has

Emanated from the Absolute himself,

Is within you,

Why do you need

Another form to give you light?

Chapters on Karma to be continued...

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