Books based on Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu
English Translations
Agastya, The Path
This incredible book began when a little girl found a wooden statue of an ancient sage in a small hill town in southern India. Thirty years later, her father received direct experience from Sage Agastya, whose statue it was. During the next three years, the sage gave him great knowledge in classical Tamil as he sat in meditation. The girl's father gave voice to the knowledge flowing through him in the Tamil language, a mastery of which he did not posses. The girl's mother wrote it all down. The dictation happened without any interruption, research, or prior knowledge of the topic of the day. Soon people arrived and posed different questions and responses were received for questions spoken and unspoken.
This book is a translation of the original 'Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu'. Translated into easy English as 'Agastya, The Path', the book is literally the path forward for humanity as shown by Sage Agastya. It ushers in an incredible era defining the transition of mankind from material to higher consciousness through the words of this ancient Vedic sage. It is an era where cosmic knowledge is available to all that open their hearts and mind in true devotion.
Boldly crossing the realms of scientific limitations, this book is a harbinger of the immense possibilities of that latent power that awaits within each of us. Karma, black magic, creation, death, birth, liberation, guru-disciple relationship, cause of suffering, all these topics are dealt with in the inimitable literary style of this ancient sage. Ample use of play of words, comparisons, and an easy iteration on profound topics in lyrical form reflect his earlier works. While there are several theories and legends regarding the birth of the sage himself in Indian literature, the sage reveals his true origin in this book.
In addition to this, those interested in deeper understanding of Hindu rituals like Agnihotram, Kalasa puja will find the inner meaning of these rituals through the sage's explanations. This extensive text written in the style of ancient sacred texts is a beautiful blend of verse and prose, and includes beautiful hymns composed by Agastya.
Agastya: Purpose of Life
These discourses are drawn from the sacred text of 'Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu' where Sage Agastya reveals the truth about Creation and walks us through 'time' itself, as he lovingly lays bare the world as it is now, and what must be done to change the way we live.
In a series of practical down to earth explanations, Sage Agastya lays bare deeper meanings of different aspects of life. Questions such as, why is there an increase in population? Why some die at birth? Is rebirth necessary? What is that we must do to change ourselves, and thus, walk on the path to liberation? are all answered in these simple, yet profound discourses.
Giving examples that only such a great Sage can give, he shows us how to face challenges, and how to discern between right and wrong. And in doing so, to ultimately, understand the very purpose of life!
What one has seen is life. What one gains from the things he has seen is happiness. What the five senses have seen and understood is the truth - This is how man thinks in the small fortress he builds for himself in earthly life. The ability for man to think about what is outside his small fortress is lessening. Very few have the opportunity to ponder on the important questions like, “where have I come from? why was I born? what path must I follow? where should I reach at the end?
The answers to all these questions lie in these discourses for those blessed individuals that it is meant to reach.
Agastya: The Siddha Principles
Beyond books and teachers, is a portal of knowledge that lies quietly within us. Yet, majority of us do not even know that it exists. In this series of selected discourses translated from the sacred book 'Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu', the author presents esoteric knowledge given by the greatest Siddha: Sage Agastya.
Gaining entry to that portal of knowledge within oneself, means achieving that which every person on the spiritual path wishes to attain: God realization. Is it a series of techniques, or spiritual exercises or devotion? What constitutes the path to become a Siddha?
Sage Agastya explains: "'Chid’ means mind or consciousness. After controlling his mind, one who sits at one place focusing on the One and engages in worship has the privilege of being known as a Siddha. He does not become a Siddha, he who aspires to become a Siddha through spiritual penance that he has undertaken in one lifetime alone!"
These sacred and wise words by none other than Maharishi Agastya, foremost of the Siddha’s is presented here for those blessed people who are fortunate enough to be the chosen ones.
Also included in this book are revelations about Agastya himself, the secret at Podugai hills, the truth behind the story of Cauvery and information on the Kodava people.
Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu: Making of a Sacred Book
What is not comprehensible to the modern mind is in fact a reality. Divinely given wisdom through human vessels is part of our reality. Whether it was the Vedas received by the ancient Sages of India, knowledge received by prophet Mohammad or the knowledge received by Paramahansa Yogananda from Christ. Someday modern world and science will catch up to spirituality and finally acknowledge and accept this truth.
That is how 'Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu' was received by Gajaraj Swamigal. And as Sage Agastya said, he is not the only one - the great masters are choosing many during this period of time to receive divine knowledge and share it with the world.
How did the sacred book 'Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu' come about? Why was it given? What is the blessing contained in it? What is the powerful 'Agastheeshwara Panchakshari Mantra', that Sage Agastya has declared will become established as a sacred mantra?
When did Sage Agastya exist and what works did he carry out? Is he is Rishi, Muni, or a Guru? This is the final compilation of discourses from the 'Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu' that chronicles the history and origin of Sage Agastya as revealed by himself.
Garland of Verses from Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu
Beautifully woven words strung together in a garland of verses, have an impact that can be rarely found in a tome of thousands of words of prose. Perhaps this is the reason that the greatest knowledge of the world has been given in the form of verse. Whether it is the holy Bible or Quran or the ancient Vedas, profound knowledge has been passed down to us in the verse form.
Great thoughts and knowledge condensed skillfully into a few lines in a verse, open up a grand vista of opportunities for the human mind. Verses have the ability to allow the human mind to explore the layers and layers of meaning hidden in just a few words. This is especially important where sacred knowledge is concerned. For, knowledge of the Gods is limitless. What a person understands in these verses depends on their own internal capacity. The depth of the cup determines how much liquid it can hold if you will.
In addition, verses in their very construction and beauty have the ability to capture one’s attention and linger on, long after the words have been read. They reappear without much effort to a mind that reaches back to them. And so the wise ones gave us profound knowledge in verses.
This book is a collection of such verses from the sacred book Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu, drawn from the many discourses given by Sage Agastya. They are presented here in English translation, English transliteration, and the original Tamil script to enable the reader to enjoy the beauty and profound knowledge they contain to the fullest extent.
In the current world when the world is witnessing chaos at all levels, the need to return to basics is immanent. Marriage is the very foundation of our society. Yet, it is this important institution of life that is facing the most challenges. Most couples entering into matrimony have little or no idea of what marriage constitutes. Often marriage is entered into on the basis of superficial things like physical attraction, status, or wealth. Many are not emotionally, financially, or socially ready to enter this important phase of their lives. The home which must be a sanctuary of peace and love, is filled with negativity arising from constant friction between the couple. The result is broken marriages, children impacted by parental violence, whether direct or indirect. Children, who are the future citizens of the world, lack direction or guidance from ill equipped parents. This impacts the society they live in and the ripple effect is felt at all levels. It is this important subject that Sage Agastya addresses in these discourses drawn from 'Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu.'
Related books:
Agastya: History, Legend & Reality
Agastya is one of most prolific characters that appears in the Indian yogic tradition. He straddles the historical as well as the fictional world, appearing in Indian literature spanning from the ancient Vedas to the current age. Discover the fascinating story of Agastya, the short statured sage, in a fascinating blend of legend, history and incredible experiences of his devotees in the modern world. Tracing his presence from the time of creation to the current, this lucid narrative appeals to both Indian and Western readers. Enjoy the fascinating journey of a sage that has authored extensive literature; developed medicine as well as one of the most ancient forms of martial arts that remains in continuous use. A vision on the mountain, a statue found, an entire book dictated in meditation..the sage has touched many lives in the modern world. "Do specific karmas have specific effects?", "Why do some children die young": find out what the sage has said about these questions...The book lead to a presentation by the author on Agastya organized by the Singapore Indian Heritage Center Museum in August 2021 as part of the ongoing docent training.
Agastya's Disciple: Firsthand Chronicles of an Extraordinary Life
For every great soul that makes an extraordinary impact on the world, there are many that come quietly, complete their divine work, and return without any fanfare. They are all around us. It could be that wizened old woman in tattered clothes sitting in front of a temple. It could be the silent monk sitting unmoving under a tree. Or, it could be a family man going about his normal duties, only to retire to his special communion with God every night. It could be also the clerk in a government office, who dons his saffron clothes at the end of the day to hold a devotional gathering where he imparts profound knowledge.
One such was K.M.Gajaraj, a family man whose extraordinary life was hidden from the world until the last few years of his life, when he gifted a sacred book of the great ancient Indian Sage Agastya and quietly left this world. This is his story.
Walking on the Path of Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu
Since the books based on the discourses of 'Agasthiar Vazhipaadu' have been published, the interest in these books have spanned several countries. As if, it has a life of its own, these sacred discourses have touched many lives seemingly unconnected, bringing them all together under the umbrella of 'Agastya Consciousness'.
Martial Art and Yoga Gurus from different traditional disciplines, Siddha Gurus, people from all walks of life, have gathered together in complete trust as one united world family. Most have never met the other, yet the trust is implicit.
Friendships have formed spanning the globe. UK, US, India, Canada, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia: devotees from all over are getting in touch with each other.
Online discussions turn into Satsangs. Each day sees more and more people joining the online forums, eager to partake of the fountain of knowledge flowing from the great Maharishi Agastya of ancient India.
As they gather and come together, many are naturally led on the spiritual path, delightfully discovering how they are being guided internally by the great Maharishi. Still others are eager to walk on the path but have so many questions.
This book is an attempt to answer all those questions and share the actual changes and flowering of knowledge that can be seen in those who have been blessed to read the books.
Those who reads the books with faith, are indeed blessed! Those that follow the path shown by Sage Agastya even more so. This is a firsthand account of their journey.
Books in Tamil
These are the first set of discourses from the greatest Rishis of India, Maharishi Agasthiyar as given in the sacred book 'Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu.' This bilingual book contains discourses given in the classical Tamil in its original beauty, along with a few chapters that were received in English.
These are the second set of discourses from the greatest Rishis of India, Maharishi Agasthiyar as given in the sacred book 'Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu.' This multilingual book contains discourses given in the classical Tamil in its original beauty, along with a few chapters that were received in English and in Kannada.
This is the final compilation of the sacred discourses given by Sage Agastya in Agasthiyar Vazhipadu. Two books have already published in this series in the original Tamil language. Discourses have been presented in chronological order, as recieved from Sage Agastya.
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