Bad Energies


Bad Energies

2002, December 14, 9.35 am to 10.40 am.

Gajaraj Swamigal: What are bad energies. What are the remedies against such bad energies?

Sage Agastya: You were just now contacted by a person who informed you that the lemon you gave her a few days ago has turned black. Based on this, I would like to give you some hints about the following.

·        What is bad energy? How does it spread or how is it transmitted?

·        Why the colour black? Are there any remedies for this?

One form of bad energy is the karmic energy that comes out of a person who is suffering. Another form of bad energy is the one removed from the energy field of a diseased person. The third category of bad energy is the utterances of people in anger or jealousy. These three are distinct from bad spirits, which make up the fourth category.

There are four types of bad energy. They are either circulating freely in the air or are directed towards the victim by some forces. Some bad energies get attached to objects used for their removal. Contamination by contact may also affect the person.

The nature of the problem affecting a victim depends on the nature of the bad energy with which he is inflicted.

Bad energy emanating from karmically negative persons:

People with lots of bad karma emanate ever flowing bad energy from their body. If people who are unprotected by will or power of God live in close proximity of such karmically affected persons, the energy affects not only the person concerned but also the people living with him.

Remedy: As far as possible, it is better not to allow such people to live with the family. Separate them. It is not wrong. You are justified in protecting your family by keeping such a person away from them.

Bad energy of diseased persons: This refers to the practice of healing by means other than the known and accepted types of science based healing. There are several alternate methods of healing using energy. A diseased person has negative energy in his aura. A skilled person can remove this by the act of will. This energy is not visible to ordinary eyes. The bad energy, which is removed, should not be allowed to spread. It is equivalent to germ spreading disease. When a person comes in contact with the discarded bad energy, and is weak, these get attached to him producing a specific disease.

Remedy: The diseased energy can be destroyed by the following methods:

·        By willing it to disintegrate in the path of light.

·        Directing the bad energy into salt water so it can disintegrate.

·        Performing rituals like aarathi where incense or camphor is moved clockwise with a strong will to burn the diseased energy.

·        Placing a lemon and allowing it to absorb the diseased energy.

Curse :This is a powerful energy in the form of thought or a verbal curse. The person who utters this must be highly developed or a wicked person with occult powers to actually affect others through their curses. Both are immensely powerful. It is distinct from other bad energies in that it is directed towards a particular individual.

Remedy: Curses will not affect a person who is pure, and spiritually high. It will not affect a person with a strong will power. It will not affect a person who is protected by Gods and gurus. Sometimes men with power can shield the intended victim.

If the person is already targeted, counter mantras, counter yantras and strong counter thoughts can return these negative thoughts to their source.

List of items that can remove such bad energies:

1.       Pure water from a river

2.       Sacred water from a powerful deity or place of worship

3.       Vermillion powder from powerful deities

4.       Margosa leaves

5.       Aarathi

6.       Lemon

7.       Mustard

8.       In some cases, slippers and brooms are used in a crude way to achieve the same effect.

Bad energy in the form of spirits: This topic has been dealt with in the previous chapter. These are bad spirits who are still circulating in the lower parts of the etheric field. They belong to men who were wicked before their death. There are spirits that cling to materials and places where they lived. They retain attachment to these things. They will not allow others to enjoy the materials or land that belonged to them when they were alive. Yet other spirits belong to those who were murdered. They remain seeking revenge.

An example: There is a place near this city where a lot of accidents and death have taken place. It is because this was a spot where human sacrifices were made in the past. The spirits in this area are weak and aimless. If a person who is not in full control of his mind happens to pass by, these spirits are attracted to that person and can cause that person to have an accident.

Remedy: Keep away from such places. If you must pass through such places, keep your mind calm. Carry some devotional object for protection with you.

Transmission: For transmission to occur there should be certain factors. At the physical level, dirty areas; at the individual level, lack of cleanliness of self and surroundings; already depleted energy; weakness of body and mind and lack of spiritual protection.

On the whole if you see the cross section of people who suffer because of these bad energies, very few who lead a simple and spiritual life are affected. Large-scale affliction happens to ignorant people.

A large number of afflicted people themselves are bad. Only in a few cases, it is because the energy has been directed towards a particular person. It will be there with the person until he becomes strong. Once the person is strong, the spirits leave him. That is why bad spirits are driven out with harsh words and powerful utterances.

Insanity related to Entities: Entities are spirits in the form of energy. They have  a mind but no body. They are formless. There are exceedingly small entities that are absorbed by unguarded persons through any of their chakras. The entity blocks the absorption of energy in that particular chakra. This affects the organ in that region in the human body.

Remedy: A fairly powerful healer can command the entities to leave the chakras after which the damage to the chakras should be cleaned and healed. These entities are also called energy cockroaches.

The second category is bad energy that may enter the aura of a person causing problems.

The third category is the larger entities that try to acquire the body of another person. There is a tussle between the soul and the spirit. The soul of the person attempts to throw the spirit out, and the spirit tries to throw the soul out.

The soul which dislikes remaining in the same body that is now occupied by the evil spirit, will want to leave the body. In such cases, the person may commit suicide. That is one of the reasons behind suicide of mentally altered persons.

In some cases, the spirit is too strong. It depends on the type of person it comes from and the type of mind it carries. It attacks the body of the person, possesses it, and fulfills its desires through the body of that person. This is what is called Satan in the Bible.

Q: How can entity related madness and insanity arising from faulty thought process be differentiated?

Wrong thought process can be cleared by right knowledge. Such people can be guided through counseling and advice. A person possessed by spirits cannot be changed. Special healers may be required to heal such people.

Black color: Going back to the reference to the lemon that had turned black, Sage Agastya said, “We know that the lemon turned black. Color is the element that you can see with your naked eye. Understand that this is proof to show that invisible thought forms can be converted into physical matter.”

Science has yet to prove this point yet. Thoughts can be transformed into matter. This is an important revelation. Here, the lemon has absorbed the thoughts or black energies and it has condensed to produce black color.

Disposal of such material: There are two main things that can be used to dispose of such material. One is flowing water. Another is fire. In some cases, salt can be used as well. These things can disintegrate bad energies. That is one of the reasons that people take dips in salt water (sea) or a river that is near a temple.

Without knowing the science behind this, people bathe in rivers in places like Kasi, Gaya, Varanasi, Kanyakumari, Rameshwaram etc. These people must become mentally aware of the reason behind this. Taking a dip without mentally being aware and willing the negative energy to flow out of the body converts the action into a mere ritual. It does not yield the desired results. So, I advise people who bathe in rivers and seas to mentally will that their bad energy is removed.

Q: How do we ensure that the property or house we live in is free from bad energy?

Many rituals are routinely conducted during the groundbreaking ceremony or during the housewarming ceremony (Gruha pravesham). The land must be purified since we do not know what kind of events occurred in this area. There may be objects below the ground that may produce bad energy. That is why rituals are performed within the boundary of the land where the construction will take place. People do this in a hurry and chant mantras without giving thought to them. This is not correct.

The materials used for the construction is brought from soil that may have many impurities. When the house is being constructed, the workers may leave their negative thoughts in the area. They may be working under stress or be angry with the homeowner or employer. All these negative thoughts enter into the structure of the building.

To ward off these negative energies, a sacrificial fire ceremony is performed during the housewarming ceremony. It is especially important that the chanting of the mantras during this is done with full intention and with proper intonation. The effectiveness of this ritual is based on two things. Proper pronunciation of the Vedic mantras as well as the materials offered into the fire. In the modern sense, both are not done correctly and therefore not effective.

Q: What is the alternative in such a case?

 This is one of the reasons that a cow is made to enter the building after construction and emerge from it. However, even this is not effective anymore because the sanctity attached to the cow is lost in the modern age.

In all these cases, it is the devotion of the person that is conducting the ritual which is important. In the modern days, how many homeowners engage in the ritual with the right attitude? Their minds are not on the rituals being performed. There are few priests who can pronounce the mantras properly. Often the chanting of the mantras is done while the mind is focused on material gain. That is why none of these are effective.

If the house has been constructed by a person with good habits and virtuous deeds who also has great will power, bad energies will withdraw from that area.

Q: Are cemeteries bad places?

A cemetery in itself is neither good nor bad. What is important is the type of person who is buried there. Remember, the samadhis of great saints are places of worship. Mantralayas, samadhis and dargahs belong to this category. Any place where the body of a saint or highly spiritual person is interred or preserved possess great spiritual energy.

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