Why Creation?


Why Creation?

Gajaraj Swamigal: Paramaguru! Devotee of the Absolute! I ask you humbly. Please tell us the secret of creation.

Sage Agastya: Aum. Asking the Absolute, I will humbly respond to the secret of creation, listen with devotion.

No one can understand who the Supreme being is. Who is he? What kind of form does he have? What is his beginning? What is his end? All this cannot even be imagined by people, Rishis like me, or even the one who created him.

One thing certain is that there is something called the Supreme being or the Absolute. This is because it is certain that all the living beings that he created and the several crore Gods that protect them, exist.

So, why did he create Gods, demons, and living beings like humans? When did he create? Why did he create?

Aren’t these questions that are digging into the very truth of creation?

Several micro materials were emitted from the Supreme being when it became conscious. That which was emitted was spiritual knowledge. It was eager to reveal its meaning. This knowledge, because it was part of the Supreme, is called Jeevatman or the soul.

In order for the soul to express its knowledge, it needs a body. That form was given by creation.

This needed a body consisting of the five elements of light, air, water, fire, earth, and ether. However, this body needed another body to encase it. Hence, two types of bodies, known as the man and woman were created.

In order to create the body, Brahma was created. Giving Brahma the power to create, it also made another divine power known as Shiva that could protect this. Vishnu was created to punish those humans that violated the law. These three Gods in turn, in order to conduct their work with loyalty, created different Gods.

Half of Shiva emerged to become Parvati, the personification of power. With their divine powers, Shiva and Shakti created Ganapathi and Muruga. To help with the work they do, they created several Ganas or elementals.

In the same way, Saraswathi, the giver of knowledge emerged from the creator Brahma, and Laxmi emerged from Vishnu.

In the olden days, people created interesting stories based on their imagination and gave those stories to us as Puranas.

It was like this that Gods, demons, humans, and other living things were created. The source of all this is the light of knowledge called the Supreme being or Para Brahman.

So far, I have explained about the creation of living things. Now, let us look at another question. The explanation for why he created it.

So far, no one has been able to explain this secret.

Ask why? Who will you ask? We cannot ask the Supreme being and get the answers. This is because we do not have the necessary tools required to ask or hear the Absolute. That is why all this is called the desireless desire or divine play.

Those nonliving things like stones and soil; microorganisms with minute forms, plants, trees, animals, were all created by the power of divine creation. All of these have souls and form.

But it is only the human that has the complete faculties of mind, intellect, or discriminatory powers. That is why birth as a human is very important.

Gods too are souls like humans. However, they do not have forms like humans. That is why they assume the form of human, and live in the manifested world, and then ridding the form in the manifested world, they return to the upper world as an epitome of knowledge, as epitome of soul and power and become Gods.

God gains form based on the imagination that emerges from the human.

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