The Essence of Thirumandiram

  The Essence of Thirumandiram as given by Appa Agastya in Agasthiyar Vazhipaadu

What is Thirumandiram

A devotee Surya Kumar asked Sage Agastya, “What is the essence of Thirumandiram?”

Gajaraj Swamigal in turn posed the question to Sage Agastya: “Father, my relative (Surya Kumar) has placed this question before me unexpectedly[1]. What is the essence of Thirumandiram?”

Sage Agastya: This is a devotee’s question. In addition, this is a question that has come as a test to my devotee (Gajaraj).

Then addressing Lord Muruga, Sage Agastya said, "God of Knowledge, Vadivela (holder of the spear). Did you not disclose the essence of Thirumandiram to your own father that day? It is rare that such a question is being asked in Kali Yuga. Give me permission to explain this in a simple form."

This was the explanation given by the great Sage. 

A mantra is one that contains layers and layers of meaning and is uttered in a few words or a single word. Many are the great ones that have attempted to give different meanings to this substance at various times.

It is impossible to contain the essence and meaning of the word ‘Thiru’ in books, which bestows meaning to the contents of this great text.

It is that mantra that one chants in complete devotion when sitting in meditation trying to gain the ultimate realization of the Supreme.

That is Thirumandiram.

Essence of Thirumandiram

Combining the three qualities[2] into one,

Bringing together the Trinity that contain these three qualities,

Making the three into one,

Turning the one into light,

Making that light small,

While chanting the Aum mantra in the mind,

When the mantra itself disappears from one’s mind,

When one attains nothingness,

And the soul merges with the Supreme,

That which is the essence of liberation,

That is Thirumandiram!

[1] Gajaraj Swamigal had not heard the word Thirumandiram before.

[2] Three qualities: Tamas, Sattva and Rajas are considered three important qualities that are present in everyone and everything. The proportion of the quality differs in each. Tamas is ignorance, inertia, violence, and laziness. Sattva is goodness, purity, calmness and harmony and Rajas is passion, activity, dynamism, and movement. It is their interplay that defines physical and psychological character and nature. In cosmology, all these three gunas are combined in the primal matter, the universe. Consciousness or purusha which is changeless is beyond and separate from Prakriti., the created. 

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