Last Birth


Self-Realization & Liberation

Vijayalaxmi: Will I have another birth?

Once Vijayalaxmi asked this delicate question. Will I have another birth?

Sage Agastya: God is duty bound to bestow the boon that a devotee asks. However, sometimes if the boon that is asked gives rise to a little dilemma, then it puts the God in a difficult situation to bestow the boon.

Normally, we are not allowed to give a conclusive response to such a question. This is because it is counteractive to destiny’s wishes.

There is another question arising in you right now. “You told about my husband (about his last birth)?” His situation is different from yours.

Yet, I will respond to your question.

This would be a normal question that someone may ask your husband tomorrow. You did not ask such a question for your own sake. It was who made you ask that question for the sake of the world.

If one asks that this be their last birth, the response to all of them is the same. If one wants this to be the last birth, then what is the type of characteristic such a man must possess?

The philosophy of this is this: The soul is  particle of the Absolute that has emanated from him. The soul that has emanated from the Absolute, yearns for the state of merging back with him.

Having taken birth as a human, they create karma by their actions, thoughts, which are contradictory to the created righteous norms.  It is only when completely forgets this state, can the soul break free and reach the Absolute. Such a soul has completed its birth cycle and will not have another birth.

So far I have talked about how the soul reaches the Absolute. This is the reasoning behind that. I will explain what one must do in terms of efforts, behavior, intellect, spiritual practices, if one must reach the Absolute.  

Who am I? What is a soul? Where does it come from? Where must it go? One must understand all this. To understand this people need books and discourses. This is what is known as knowledge or enlightenment. Once that understanding comes, then such a person must pray to God, and find a Guru.

Man must experience the desire for material, physical and money as necessary at the prescribed stages and then get away from them. He must consider each one separately. It is natural that man must have a desire for each of these, based on the phase of life. However, despite having had them, repeated births will come rolling towards one who continues to desire them.

It is such craving that is called desire. Attachment will arise where there is desire. Having acquired something, without having the desire to give it up, some keep looking at it, increasing their desire for it.

When such people refuse to part with those things and try to hold on to those things, desire keeps building up.


Attachment arises from desire. From attachment arises lust. Lust is that which arises when one desires to experience something that he has obtained excessively.

Then comes greed. When one holds on to something more than the norm, then that person loses power of discernment. Which means, they will not understand the difference between right and wrong. Righteousness is lost in the world.

For example, the desire for money. Looking at money constantly and finding joy in it is an attachment. Enjoying it without sharing it with others is lust. Greed is when he does not understand that he is earning through wrong means.


When one’s money increases, and the person doesn’t want to give it to another; and when that another tries to steal it from him; then getting displeased with him, when one acts out, that is called anger.

Delusion is when one where accumulates more and more money, and sees someone who is wealthier than him, and feels that he doesn’t have enough and becomes jealous of him.

Hence, the one who wants this to be the last birth, must not have these: desire, lust, anger, greed, delusion, and arrogance.

The response to your answer is to reflect on each one of these. What is needed to end this cycle of life and death is righteousness. This is the guidance given for the world. Have you followed all this? You have achieved a lot of purity. However, you still have a couple of blemishes that are found ordinary people.

Those who have extreme desire or hate towards anything will not have the grace to progress higher.

In mind, speech, and action, one must only think good. Reflect only on the good. Do only good.

There are no good or bad people in God’s creation. You yourselves have created these characters.

 That is why you look at another and judge them as good or bad. There is nothing bad or good for the Gnani. He does not consider anyone good or bad. He has neither affection nor hatred. Why? He even forgets the ‘I’ at the very end.

When there is no longer ‘I,’ there is no body, no mind, only soul remains. Understanding your soul this way, is called ‘self-realization’ in English. 


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