Future of Mankind: A Warning


Sage Agastya: Where are we headed? This is a burning question and a most practical one. Humanity is in floods; it is in turmoil. Everything seems upside down now. There is no stability, no spiritual guidance.

The flooding water flows over and under, bumps against rocks, squeezes out of holes, scratches the surface, pulls out roots, invites rubbish. It is full of force, and it stinks. This is how I visualize modern society. Devoid of direction but provided with a lot of energy, it knows not in which direction it should flow.

At this stage, it is not possible to stop the flow and create a beautiful lake out of it. It requires significant effort from various sources.

Neighboring mountains have to be blasted; and stones have to be piled one above the other to curtail its speed. Once the speed is slowed down, the banks have to be strengthened, and further inflow should be diverted. In short, this is an analogy to show what is required to change this dangerous course humanity has taken.

Man has lost all knowledge of the great scriptures. These scriptures in the form of Vedas, Shastras and Puranas have no value for him. Enormous knowledge rising out of scientific investigations and technology have created a mirage which is being perceived as the reality. People are searching for a fuller life in a mirage!

Modern man’s entire life is in this direction. He is going deeper and deeper into the process of investigation. It is literally also true that man is digging deeper into the earth, exploiting every bit of useful material available in the womb of mother earth. He has cut her stomach, is stabbing at her heart, and tearing at her lungs. What does all this indicate?

It indicates self-made destruction. We feel pained to witness all this wanton destruction and exploitation of nature and natural resources. Man is a symbol of unlimited greed.

What is the result of all this? The very natural resources that sustain life have been destroyed. That is why man is now buying clean water and clean air!

In the future, he will not be able to buy land. As things indicate, the powdered earth or soil itself will become dearer. This is the present condition of the relationship between man and his environment.

What about the relationship between man and society? Today, man is like a dust particle without stability of its own. A dust particle gets carried around by the wind, bumps against other particles, and finally settles down in a place it was not intended to settle. In the same way, man usually does not get the job he was intended to have. Instead, he settles down in other jobs by sheer force of circumstances.

There is no direction even in marriage. The proper selection process is not undertaken. Selection is based on outer appearance and material acquisition. That is why there are so many failures on the job front and marriages.

So also, his neighborhood. In big cities, people do not want to know their neighbors. This is the result of sheer indifference and lack of confidence in themselves. They do not want their neighbors to know the ills and sins committed by their families. They are afraid of losing their name, fame, and valuables.

I have touched upon three aspects of relationships, between man, his habitat, society, and his immediate neighbors.

What is the result? He has no love for others and others have none for him. In the absence of love, what is it that grows? It is hatred. Lack of love breeds hatred, jealousy, lack of confidence in himself and others. So, what does he do? He seeks all those materials, living and non-living that give him temporary relief.

What are the things that purportedly give him pleasure? In the modern world, it is going to parties, clubs, restaurants, movies, and picnics. These are all connected with the physical pleasures of eating and drinking. There is no end. There is no complete satisfaction. People get attached and addicted to these pleasures.

Addiction leads to submission. Submission leads to surrender and surrender leads to slavery. In short, the life of modern humans is slavery to time and emotions. Though he pretends and expresses that he is happy, this expression is born of his mind, not of his heart. It is superficial and empty. That is why man is neither happy nor content.

Each one of you can analyze your own friends, relatives, or acquaintances, keeping the above factors in mind. Are they happy?

How do you gauge happiness? It is seen in the health, in the glow in the eyes, purity of words, actions, and deeds. You should analyze these things to find out if a person is indeed happy.

Now the question is, how can we make a person really happy? Judge for yourself who is really happy in society? A poor man who can meet his physical needs for the day, appears to be happy. A child who does not know the full details of society is happy. A rich man who spends part of his money and wealth for those in need is happy. Then there are those who serve in old age homes, destitute homes, and so on. They are happy.

What does this show? It shows that those who lead a simple life are happy. Happy are those who share their love and profit with those who have them not. To sum up, it is in giving that you receive. It is in loving others that we get love. It is in pardoning others that we are pardoned. All this amounts to sacrificing and sharing. The moment you feel other souls as your own, you will be happy. So where does this lead us?

This leads to the ultimate point that every one of you must consider the others as your own soul. You are all part of one Absolute. Love every child as your own.

I understand that it is difficult in the modern world. You extend your hand to shake, and the other person does not react. Do not take it to heart. Just regard it as that person’s karma. He will also wake up at an appropriate time because the strength of the body and wealth and power of intelligence are never the same. They dissipate as time goes on. But remember, love multiplies as time passes.

Finally, the significance of this lecture. You[1] have a significant role in putting a dam across this mad stream. You have the ability to change humanity’s direction. One person cannot accomplish this.

So, in the beginning you will start changing the direction of individuals who come to you. When your purpose is pure and your preaching is effective, people who come in contact with you will change their direction. From them, few others will feel the change. When people who have changed their direction enjoy peace, contentment, and inner joy, they will know the purpose of their life. Small springs with pure water are then available for others who need it.

‘Vazhipaadu’ is meant to serve this purpose. It is a spring that is easily available, and easily tested. Give it to all those that need them.

Then addressing Gajaraj Swamigal, Sage Agastya said: People have already started coming to you one after another. A time will come when you address groups of them. When they change, that change will increase in geometric proportions. Once the lamp is lit, the flame can light an indefinite number of other lamps.

The initial flame belongs to the Supreme Knowledge of the Para Brahman. It flows through the Gurus, seen and unseen. You are all part of this wonderful cosmic intention!

[1] Even though the discourse was given to Gajaraj Swamigal, his wife Vijayalakshmi and daughter Anuradha, as in all scriptures, these words are meant for everyone who reads these sacred words.

Beginning Meditation


Beginning Meditation

Anuradha asked Sage Agastya: “What must one know to begin meditation practices?”

Sage Agastya

You have asked a question which is extremely useful for people in the present day. Nowadays, people are turning towards the path of realization. It is the innate nature of the soul to want to know its reality. It is like the water in the river flowing towards the sea.

The river sometimes stops on its way. It becomes a lake, and when people come to wash themselves or their clothes, the river is happy thinking it is doing a great service. Slowly the water gathers dust and dirt and becomes dirty, unfit for consumption.

It takes a little time for the lake to understand that its nature is not stand still, but to flow. Similarly, people are caught in the web of life. They think they are born to enjoy the pleasures of life and get attached to people and materials. They forget their true nature. Finally, when situations arise and they suffer, the mind realizes that its true nature is to turn towards God.

In search of knowledge, people attend seminars, read books, attend Satsang[1]. They try to understand the meaning of life through diverse types of meditation and yoga. However, the moment they return to their routine, they forget what they have learnt and feel that routine life is all there is.

If every person who attends a discourse or gathering realizes the true purpose of life, such a person becomes good and useful to the society and will walk on the path of righteousness. However, this is not happening. The results of such gatherings show us what they have learnt.

Let us take the meaning of meditation. People have given two meanings that are contradictory. One is that one must know oneself. The other is to free oneself from all thoughts. Both are correct. The problem arises if one attaches importance to only one of these ideas.

One has to do both. You must have a thoughtful nature, indulge in thoughts for some time and then enter into thoughtlessness. It is only when you know what a thought is will you know how to remove it from your mind. It is like knowing white so you can understand black.

The first step for a beginner is to think about meditation and to understand what he is trying to do. This aspect comes under knowledge. That is why I stress repeatedly that the person who wants to walk on the spiritual path and meditate, should also acquire knowledge.

That knowledge should pertain to who you are, what you are, why this birth and death. What is the meaning behind attaining liberation? All this needs to be taught to the person who is seeking to walk on the spiritual path.

The next step is to prepare the person to undertake the journey from thoughtfulness to thoughtlessness; from waking consciousness to super consciousness. No other person has written a more comprehensive text on this subject than Maharishi Patanjali. His concept of training is elaborate.

[1] Satsang: Literally means company of the good. These refer to devotional and spiritual gatherings.

Sri Agasteeshwara Panchakshari Maha Mantra

  A Sacred Mantra During many public events where Gajaraj Swamigal spoke, he would also impart a special mantra [1] . On January 10, 2003, a...