A True Guru


Gajaraj Swamigal: Who is fit to be a Guru? What is the purpose of your teachings? Is initiation necessary?

Sage Agastya: Father, I have a lot of work.

There are diverse types of Gurus. You may have heard the names of Gurus who are mentioned in the puranas. The names of Gurus like Brihaspati, Shankaracharya, Parasuraman, Drona are remembered even today.

They are all recognized as Parama Gurus. Very great Gurus. They were Gurus not only for humans, but for Gods, Kings and demons as well.

They are known as fountains of wisdom. Just like water that spouts out from the depths of the earth, knowledge comes out easily from such Gurus. All types of knowledge are hidden in their words. There is nothing that they do not know.

They are all fountains of wisdom. Just like the water that spouts out from the depths of the earth, knowledge generously emitted from such Gurus. All types of knowledge were hidden in their words. They were all great Gnanis. There is no knowledge that that was not known to them.

It is not possible to see any Guru of today who has knowledge of everything. Each Guru brings only one type of wisdom or knowledge.

A big crowd gathers to accept the knowledge that they bestow. Because of this, the Guru speaks about topics that are relevant to the crowd. That is why there are not able to spend time with the disciple closely, clear the dirt, change his behavior, and give him knowledge.

That is why, of the thousands that surround such a Guru, only a few gain the fruit of knowledge that he imparts. While the knowledge given by the Guru is freely available to everyone, only a few are able to understand that fountain of knowledge. In this aspect, it is the disciple to whom we must give importance, rather than the Guru.

Your small wish in your heart, to understand the knowledge of some Gurus of this period, is hidden within your question.

Only a few Gurus of the current times have gained a good name, like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Rajneesh, Daya Mata,

All of these had taken up the work from deep within, of taking the people of the world towards a higher life. They shared their teachings in crowds. Even though crores of disciples heard what they said, only a few gaining the fruit of that knowledge; gaining wisdom; changing their lives, are doing good work.

Where there are large crowds, where there are people singing the praises of Gurus in the streets, wherever there is only praise for the Guru on a stage, there you see only praise being exchanged, but very few who seek and gain knowledge.

Now, your question. Who is the chosen among Gurus?

It is the Gurus that I have mentioned above. The true measure of the ability of a Guru, lies in how many disciples have changed their lives after listening to their discourses. Hence, it is not important how many disciples a Guru has.

What is important is how many people are able to understand the knowledge he is giving. And then understanding the purpose of their birth, understanding the duties they must do for others, and learning the method of how to reach the Supreme God, lead their lives accordingly. That is the only thing that is important.

Sri Agasteeshwara Panchakshari Maha Mantra

  A Sacred Mantra During many public events where Gajaraj Swamigal spoke, he would also impart a special mantra [1] . On January 10, 2003, a...